Practice Leaders
Those who are new to practice, as well as those who have an ongoing meditation practice, are encouraged to speak regularly with one or more of the SAZC practice leaders. Please note that some practice discussions may be limited to Zoom.
Shijun Heather Martin
Shijun Heather Martin has been practicing Soto Zen meditation at the San Antonio Zen Center since before it existed, and the Austin and Houston Zen Centers even longer. She received dharma entrustment as a lay Zen teacher from Rev. Colin Gipson in 2022. She encourages you to try out this Zen thing and to consider incorporating breathing, eating, and sleeping into your busy schedule.
Shijun Heather Martin can be reached for practice discussion at or by clicking the button below.
Dokan Rick Wadsworth
Dokan Rick Wadsworth is a Lay Entrusted Zen Teacher at the San Antonio Zen Center. He began intentionally practicing a spiritual path in 1986, first in the 12 step lineage of Bill W and shortly thereafter began incorporating Buddhism into his recovery practice. A daily meditator since 2001, he received instruction in zazen in 2004 and began practicing formally in the Soto Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi at the San Antonio Zen Center in 2006. He received Jukai ordination (ceremony for receiving the precepts) in 2009 and 2016 and received dharma entrustment as a lay Zen teacher from Rev. Colin Gipson in 2023.
Dokan Rick Wadsworth can be reached for practice discussion at or by clicking the button below.
Myoshin Laurie Haley
Myoshin Laurie Haley has practiced meditation for more than twenty years. In 2009, she made a commitment to deepen her practice at the San Antonio Zen Center. She took the precepts with John Grimes and Gaelyn Godwin Roshi in October of 2011. Myoshin served as Secretary and Treasurer of the SAZC Board for many years. She serves in various roles for weekly services, retreats and beginners’ instruction. Myoshin lived for some years in China and Taiwan and holds an MA degree in Asian Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.
Myoshin Laurie Haley can be reached for practice discussion at or by clicking the button below.